Monday, December 15, 2014

Internal Sleep

The later I wake, the shorter my day.
No wonder why the elders say, "Why do you sleep your life away?"

Friday, November 7, 2014

My Life in a Tweet

My life is seen to be a good one. All I do is play volleyball and focus on school. Everything that is meant to be will be so I do not worry.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Before I Die...

  • I want to play college volleyball.
  • I want to swim in an infinity pool that has a view of the ocean.
  • I'm going to marry the person I've been with for a long time.
  • I want to win a gold medal for a beach volleyball tournament.
  • I will meet an Olympian.
  • I will play professional volleyball.
  • My beloved and I will become wealthy together.
  • I will have beautiful beach babies.
  • Travel  to Brazil
  •  Experience the good things in the world and appreciate what life has to offer.

Monday, September 22, 2014

10 Things I've Learned Over Summer

What I've Learned 
  1.  Don't waste your time with people that don't care.
  2. You make mistakes because you're focusing on the target and not on your actions.
  3. Appreciate the people in your life.
  4. Love yourself first.
  5. Frozen yogurt solves any problem.
  6. Things take time.
  7. Everyone has a different reality.
  8. Be your own happiness, do whatever makes you happy. 
  9. Don't think and just GO FOR IT.
  10. My only competition is myself.