Being in middle school, everything seems to be all figured out and moving to the next level won’t be so different. Same people, different location, right? Nope. As much as I hated accepting the fact at first, but, life doesn’t make exceptions with throwing obstacles at you. Everything changes each year and you have to adapt.
It was hard leaving some people in the past but I’m glad I did. Don’t waste time being lost about the change and what it means and listen to where your heart is yearning to go. Being alone is not a bad thing, you should honestly cherish the time and see what you want in life and care about what you want and not others. The big problem when I had a big clan was that I couldn’t hear my thoughts over their voices and that’s a problem because I am my own person and no voice matters over your own.
Being alone does not make you a loner, it gives you freedom to do as you desire. Go and mingle with whoever you want, make friends, get to know staff (may be strange but it is good to know more people at school), get ahead on work, etc. The possibilities are endless! Going back in time, my freshman self would tell you to not focus on popularity and focus on yourself and your future. You may have heard this before, but half of the people you walk in with don’t come out with you. I hope you make the greatest decisions during this time and good luck.