Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Genius Hour Update

I have created an app called the Food Whisperer. Its purpose is to give recipes and snack ideas for healthy sweet snacks. Many people who crave sweets automatically turn to candy, cookies, ice cream, chips, etc. This app will hopefully turn those with cravings away from devilish temptations. It took me awhile to figure out how the website worked but I think I got the hang of it. So far, I have created the app which will be connected to a food blog. I am trying to get items for my menu, photos, and a chat room for my app users. I am going to work on the app being as fun and useful as possible. It's not public yet until I connect it with my food blog...which is currently being worked on. :)
In the meantime here is an app link (anyone with a web-enabled smartphine can acceess the link):