Sunday, November 3, 2013

Bucket List


                      Have you ever seen something you wanted to do but you convinced yourself that you can't do it because of personal or financial issues but you still want to do it? Have you tried to do something and failed to do so?  I bet you answered these questions while reading them and thought of things that relate to those topics.  I know i can relate to this so this is why my bucket list consists of many things I've tried in the past but did not succeed in doing them and things I really want to do because they seem super fun!  

                                                               My Bucket List 
  •  I want to learn how to cook tofu the right way because I always go to Japanese restaurants and order delicious tofu but I sometimes want to make tofu myself in my own home.
  • I want to be able to jump super high because I'm a volleyball player and I want to be able to get up at the net to get amazing kills and fantastic blocks.
  • I would really want to sit on a raft and just float down the Colorado river for a day and see where I end up because it seems very adventurous and I believe it would make a great story to tell my children in the future
  • I would want to run away to some place that's magical to me, like New York City or the beach. I want to have a get away trip.
  • I would like to sing the national anthem before a game like they do at baseball games because I'm shy and I would like to break out of my stage fright.
  • I WANT to play on the USC volleyball team when I go to college, I am a die hard USC fan and I love volleyball and I believe if I put all my work into it I can make this happen.
  • Before I turn 16, I would want to be able to hit extremely high notes in singing because I love classical music and opera and I've always dreamed of singing it.
  • This might be weird but I really want to whack someone with a rubber chicken at least once in my life!! I've just always wanted to do that, don't ask why.
  • I want my own late night talk show because talk shows are so awesome and funny.
  • I want to do modeling because I've always wanted to be a model and it will b like heaven if I do it!

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