Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Would You Rather...

  • Would you rather have the power of invisibility OR flight?
    Pros of having the power of invisibility are that wherever you go you can go everywhere for free! No one will ever know! However, the con of that is that no one will know you're there and you might be forever alone. I can fly anywhere, anytime! But the scary part is that I could really go into space and just float around in space forever and then NASA will find me saying, “Oh look it's Becca!” and I'd be like “Hey, I'm stuck”.

    I feel like the power to fly would be the better option for me because just in case a big earthquake happens here in California, I can fly off the ground and stay in the sky until the coast is clear.

  • Would you rather know when you’re going to die OR how you’re going to die?
    Knowing when I'm going to die I can prepare the time range and know how long I have in order to do everything I want in life, such as: having Betty White be my third granny, go diving with my squirrel suit, figure out who's responsible for the Mandala Effect, expose the government, co-host with Ellen, etc. I’d probably overthink about time and dig myself in a hole. I would go into a deep hibernation until my doomsday.
    Pros of knowing how I'm going to die is that I can brace myself for any type of pain that I’ll be going through. The cons of this are that I'd probably be thinking about it too much and I tried to avoid it but in the end, I'd probably just make it worse anyways in the whole situation.

    I would rather know when I'm going to die because I can see how much time I have to do everything I mentioned above. Plus, I can just let my reason of death be a surprise and hit me later. 

Thursday, November 10, 2016

You Know You're Tired When...

You know you are tired when...
You try making toast and the toaster isn't even plugged in.
You look at the clock and it's 7:15 but you convince yourself it's 6:15 so you can sleep longer.
You try putting the cereal box away but there's no room in the fridge for a box.
Your cat comes into to room staring into your soul and you could feel the feline judging you.
You freak out that someone is in the house to kidnap you but it's just the voices on the TV.
You see gummy bears expressing emotion.
You dream of waking up but realizing 5 minutes later you're still glued to bed.
You're late for school but realize it's a Saturday after you enter your car.
You forget your dog slept inside and think a monster is finally coming after you.