Thursday, November 10, 2016

You Know You're Tired When...

You know you are tired when...
You try making toast and the toaster isn't even plugged in.
You look at the clock and it's 7:15 but you convince yourself it's 6:15 so you can sleep longer.
You try putting the cereal box away but there's no room in the fridge for a box.
Your cat comes into to room staring into your soul and you could feel the feline judging you.
You freak out that someone is in the house to kidnap you but it's just the voices on the TV.
You see gummy bears expressing emotion.
You dream of waking up but realizing 5 minutes later you're still glued to bed.
You're late for school but realize it's a Saturday after you enter your car.
You forget your dog slept inside and think a monster is finally coming after you.

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