Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Scavenger Hunt

Did someone in your group emerge as a leader? Was this helpful?
No one in our group became the leader, but it didn’t help or hurt us. Instead, we came up with our ideas, filmed, and performed the activities together.

Did your group waste a lot of time trying to decide what to do next?
We didn’t waste much time at all. It would only take us a minute or so to decide where to go next. The most amount of time we spent in one place was about 5 minutes while we were waiting for a teacher that we wanted to include in the video.

How did the team decide where to go and what to do?
Our team just kept referring to the list, and as soon as someone thought of an idea, we went for it. A deciding factor of where we went was also the time we had, so we made sure we didn’t go anywhere far in order to get back to class on time.

Did you split the team at any point?

No because a couple of the items to record required the whole group and there were only two of us so we didn’t really have a reason to split up.

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